Why this newsletter?

We’re excited to launch a newsletter on industrial policy and AI in Europe, i.e. public investment, regulatory, spending, and procurement strategies designed to promote the EU’s AI economy. A few times a month, we’ll share our analysis of the latest developments in the European AI market, track Commission initiatives such as on AI factories, and monitor if and how the recommendations made in the Draghi report are being implemented in practice. Europe’s newfound interest in industrial policy, the outsized emphasis placed on AI, and the substantial funds that could be mobilized as a result have the potential to shape European societies for years to come. This is where our work fits in: to ask critical questions about how resources are allocated, the processes by which priorities are determined, and, most fundamentally, to scrutinize the assumptions underpinning this vision. This monitor is for you if you work in or invest in AI, innovation strategies, tech policy, antitrust and competition, defense, open-source, or public digital infrastructure.

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Subscribe to EU AI Industrial Policy Monitor

A newsletter that tracks European debates on competitiveness, sovereignty, and AI.


AI, geopolitics, tech policy. EU and global governance Lead at AI Now Institute. Independent policy advisor.
AI, political economy, technology politics EU Policy Fellow at AI Now Institute, PhD Researcher at University of Amsterdam
AI Now Institute produces diagnosis and policy research on artificial intelligence.